For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

Next Visit Campaign

A Next Visit campaign makes an offer available to the member upon their next in-store visit. Next visit offers are great for surprise and delight campaigns, rewarding loyal members, and incentivize their next drop into your store(s).

Campaign Examples

  • Enjoy a Free Cookie on your next visit (while supplies last)!
    By setting a max redemption setting on your free item offer, you can prepare your inventory and engage your members to make their next purchase sooner.

  • Surprise & delight
    Don’t send out any marketing, just surprise your loyal members with an offer on their next visit. It’s common to also set the offer to expire on that visit, so the member must redeem it or it will be lost. Members will feel your program is actually rewarding and this can keep them engaged with your brand over others.

  • Prompt customers to join your text club on their next visit
    Increase your text club subscribers by prompting them to join via the in-store customer facing device (CFD). Members can accept the terms and receive the double opt-in text to your phone number. Once they confirm by replying “Y”, you have grown your SMS subscriber base.

Things To Know

  • A next visit can be used to target members on their first visit when the start of the campaign is also at the start of your program. If you have members who have already made a first or subsequent visit, they can again be targeted with this next visit campaign.

  • For text message prompts, you must have an SMS subscription plan on your account.


Creating An Offer Campaign

See Offer types for more information.

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

  2. Click the Create link in the top nav

  3. Select the Next Visit automation and click Next

  4. Select your action type: Offer or Prompt
    Your account must have an SMS subscription plan to select the Prompt action.

  5. Define your offer parameters and click Next

  6. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

  7. Schedule your campaign start date and time

  8. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, you campaign will be ongoing with no end date

  9. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

Tip: Hover over the tooltips for more information on each field box.

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For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

Date & Time Campaign

A Date & Time campaign allows you to send a text message or offer at a scheduled time. This is a great way to schedule offers to a specific audience, whether it be to those who have not shopped in a while or your big spenders or reach your text subscribers with special, upcoming, exclusive, or ongoing promotions. There are many audience options, it’s flexible, and easy to set up.


Creating A Text Message Campaign

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

  2. Click the Create link in the top nav

  3. Select the Date & Time automation and click Next

  4. Select the Text Message action

  5. Enter your text message content

  6. Schedule the time to send and click Next

  7. Define the target audience to receive the message by turning on the segment and defining your audience filters. Then click Next

  8. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

  9. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

    Tip: You can send a test message to a mobile number during your setup process (step 5).


Creating An Offer Campaign

See Offer types for more information.

  1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

  2. Click the Create link in the top nav

  3. Select the Date & Time automation and click Next

  4. Select the Offer action

  5. Define your offer parameters and click Next

  6. Define the target audience to receive the offer by turning on the segment and defining your audience filters. Then click Next

  7. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

  8. Schedule your campaign start date and time

  9. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

Offer Configuration Options

The following are the offer configurations based on the campaign and offer type selections. Not all configuration options are going to be applicable to each offer setup. The Dashboard UI will only request the relevant configurations based on the offer campaign and offer types you select to create.

Tip: Hover over the Dashboard tooltips while creating your campaign for more information on each field box.

Configuration Description
Available Define whether the offer can be used in-store or online. Offers that are "in-store" may only be redeemed in-stores. Offers that are "online" may only be redeemed online.
Coupon Print-out/On-Screen Display This is an operational message that is either printed or displayed to the Staff ringing up the Member's order, instructing them to apply the offer to their order before closing the transaction. This only applies for in-store offers. This does not apply for points offers.
Discount Code The discount code corresponds to a discount code in your POS system. For online ordering, Spendgo will pass this discount code to the POS for processing. This does not apply for points offer. The Discount Code can be overridden when the Discount Code Override value is configured on the store-level. See Store Settings for more details.
Earn Points Earn points defines how points will be earned on a purchase for a Mulitply Points offer.

  • On the basket subtotal - Members earn points based on the sum of all qualifying items in the basket, rounded down.
  • On every qualifying item - Members earn points for every item in the basket listed inthe selected Items Group (items in the Items Group marked as non-qualifying for points are not included).
  • On the basket subtotal with at least 1 qualifying item - Members earn points based on the sum of all qualifying items in the basket, rounded down, as long as at least 1 item in the basket is listed in the selected Items Group.
  • Ignore Modifiers As Reward Spendgo determines the reward discount based on the lowest valued qualifying reward item. Enabling Ignore Modifiers As Reward will ignore the modifier line-items (e.g. $0.50 Ranch Dressing) as a qualifying reward item. If you want the offer to be the lowest valued parent-item and not the lowest valued modifier as the discount, you will turn on Ignore Modifiers As Reward.

    Note: When Ignore Modifiers As Reward is enabled it will also ignore any modifier items that are included in your qualifying item groups.

    Parent-item: Chopped Salad $8
    Modifier: Add Chicken $2
    When Ignore Modifiers As a Reward is enabled, the discount is $8. When disabled, the discount will be $2.

    In-store Redemption Prompt The guest facing message to be displayed on the in-store tablet devices prompting the Member to use their offer on their order. This only applies for in-store offers. This does not apply to points offers.
    Limit Timeframe Limiting the timeframe allows you to create day and time windows when the points can be used.
    Maximum Points Per Purchase Caps the number of points a Member can earn per qualified purchase in a Multiply Points offer type.
    Minimum Purchase Value Defines the minimum purchase amount that must be met to use the offer. This does not apply to Add Points offers.
    Multiply By In a Multiply Points offer, set the number to multiply points earned by. Points earned will be rounded down to the nearest whole number.

    Note: Multiple multiply points campaigns and if your points program default is more than 1 point = $1 the bonus multiple will not stack from the campaign.

    Offer Description The offer description displayed to Members in their Member Portal when they have it in their account.
    Offer Expiration Earn points defines how points will be earned on a purchase. This configuration does not apply to Add Points offers.

  • No expiration - the offer does not expire and is available to Member till used.
  • Expires after presented - set the number of days after an offer is prompted in-store or online to expire. This does not apply to points offers; these are never presented, they are automatically applied if the Member with the offer makes a qualifying purchase. When viewing reports, these offers may not have an expiration until the member has been presented the offer. For example, a member with a birthday offer set to expire 7 days after presented may earn their offer on their birthday of Jan 1, but will not expire until they are presented the offer on their next visit on Feb 1, and therefore theif offer actually will expire 7 days after Feb 1 (on Feb 8) when it was presented.
  • Expires after earned - the offer expires X hour(s) or day(s) after earned.
  • Expires on fixed date - the offer expires on a set date and time.
  • Offer Name The name of the offer as you want it displayed to Members.
    Offer Value The value of the offer to be given. Example, $5 Off is a "5" value. 10% off is a 10 value. This only applies to fixed Discount ($) and (%) offer types.
    Points The number of points to give in an add points offer.
    Participating Locations Participating Locations allow you to select which stores the offer can be used at. This is independent of the audience filter for the Favorite store. For example, you can target all Members, but they will only be able to use the offer at the select participating locations. This does not apply to the Add Points offer.
    Qualifying Items Group Defines the select list of item(s) (i.e. an Item Group) that Members must have in their basket in order to qualify to use the offer. If none of the select items are in their basket, the offer will not apply to the order. This does not apply to Add Points offers.
    Qualifying Rule Qualifying rule sets the reward discount value based on the basket (i.e. the basket subtotal) or based on qualifying items being in the basket. This is only applicable to Discount ($) and (%) offer types.
    Redeemable by Registered Members Only When enabled, only Registered Members can use the offer.
    Reward Items Group Defines the select list of item(s) (i.e. an Item Group) that Members must have in their basket in order use the offer. The reward item in basket is what gets discounted. If none of the select items are in their basket, the offer will not apply to the order. This applies to BOGO, Free Item, and Price Adjustment offer types.
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    For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

    Registration Campaign

    A Registration campaign allows customers to earn an offer upon the completion of their account. To register, a customer must complete the sign up process and validate their email. The required fields may vary per your account settings; however, the base Spendgo requirements are: phone, email and password. Once their account is completed they are considered “activated” members in the Spendgo system. Registration campaigns help drive sign ups, connect with your customers via text or email messaging, and personalize those messages.

    Campaign Examples

    • $3 Off Your Next Purchase For Joining
      Offering a dollar discount on their next purchase with an offer expiration is a good way to drive sign ups, capture personalized information and marketing preferences while encouraging their next purchase to be before the offer expires.

    • Free Bowl For Registering
      Deliver value by giving them a taste of your brand. Offering a free item is a great way to show member’s that your program is actually rewarding, it’s worth while, and reinforces your brand.

    • 50 bonus points for Registering
      Give your new members a boost with welcome bonus points, making it easy for them to reach their first reward!

    The Spendgo Identity platform allows members to use their Spendgo credentials across the Spendgo network of brands. If a member was already registered with another brand, when they become linked to your account – via shopping at your store(s) or sign in to your brand – this is treated as registration to your brand and will qualify for this offer.

    For more custom registration offer settings, please contact your Customer Success Manager.


    Creating An Offer Campaign

    1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

    2. Click the Create link in the top nav

    3. Select the Registration automation

    4. Define your offer parameters and click Next

    5. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

    6. Schedule your campaign start date and time

    7. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, you campaign will be ongoing with no end date

    8. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

      Tip: Hover over the tooltips for more information on each field box.

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    For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

    Birthday Campaign

    A Birthday campaign allows you to automatically send an offer on your member's birthday. It is a great way to incentivize customers to register their account, ensure at least one more visit a year, personalize offers around a special occasion, and build loyalty.

    Campaign Examples

    • Free Birthday Ice Cream Cone 
      This birthday free item is a great way to award your loyal members and thank them for being valued customers. It encourages sign ups and is strong at getting customers in the door and make a purchase with their free item.

    • Birthday BOGO
      This birthday BOGO is a good way to promote celebrating their birthday with friends and family. It also is a good strategy for ensuring a purchase is made to get one item free.

    • Birthday $10 Off
      The birthday dollar discount is commonly used to allow a little more flexibility in how a customer can apply their rewards to their order. Often this also increases ticket averages; members like to maximize how they use the reward by redeeming the full value of their reward and may even add-on where they typically would not have without the discount.

    Things To Know

    • Only one birthday can be earned per member per calendar year.

    • Your support team can manually add a birthday offer to a member’s account through your brand’s Dashboard UI. The user must have permissions to support members.

    • Setting the birthday offer to expire after presented can have varying results for the birthday offer expirations. For example, a birthday offer expiring 7 days after presented can be earned on Jan 1 when their birthday is, but the offer expiration may not be set until Feb 1 when the member makes a visit and is first presented the birthday offer. Their birthday offer would then expire on Feb 8, 7 days after they actually were presented the offer and saw it.


    Creating An Offer Campaign

    See Offer types for more information.

    1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

    2. Click the Create link in the top nav

    3. Select the Birthday automation

    4. Select when to issue the birthday offer:
      On event will issue the birthday offer once annually on the day of their birthday saved in their profile
      Days before allows you to issue the offer before their birthday by setting the a number of days before

    5. Define your offer parameters and click Next

    6. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

    7. Schedule your campaign start date and time

    8. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, you campaign will be ongoing with no end date

    9. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

      Tip: Hover over the tooltips for more information on each field box.

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    For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

    Purchase Item Campaign

    A Purchase Item campaign enables members to earn bonus points based on their item purchases. Customer points are multiplied or added. It’s a great way to push inventory and promote new or existing products during specific seasons, weekdays, or even specific times of the day.

    Campaign Examples

    • Earn 2x points on Taco Tuesdays! 
      This multiplier bonus is set on a slow business day. All taco purchases on Tuesday were multiplied by 2 – a $5 taco earns 10 points instead of the usual 5 points (less taxes and other exclusions). It motivates customers to choose your brand on Tuesdays to maximize their earning potential and get closer to those rewards.

    • Earn 1.5x points on Summer Menu Items!
      This multiplier bonus was set to push their Summer menu in the beginning of summer. All purchases with the qualifying items points within the campaign period were multiplied by 1.5 – a $10 item earned 15 points instead of the usual 10 points (less taxes and other exclusions). This was a good way to introduce their new products and push the summer inventory for a limited time.

    • Earn 5 bonus points on Juices To-Go!
      This added bonus was set to rotate out their Juices To-Go line. This was a good way to incentivize customers to buy their To-Go products and also control the bonus points being issued. Since various flavors were sold at different costs, they wanted to give a fixed 5 points bonus. You can also increase your inventory rotation on a particular product. For example, incentivize your customers with the opportunity to earn more points on prodcuts you’d like to push.


    Things to Know

    • When a member has multiple qualifying items in their cart, they will earn bonus points on each qualified item. For example:

      • Double points on Dessert offer will earn a member with 2 x $5 Desserts in their purchase a total of 10 points. (5 dessert points + 5 dessert points * 2)

      • Add 5 points on Dessert offer with earn a member with 2 x $5 Desserts in their purchase a total of 20 points (5 dessert points * 2 + 10 bonus points).


    Creating An Offer Campaign

    1. Go to the Campaigns tab in the Dashboard

    2. Click the Create link in the top nav

    3. Select the Purchase Items automation

    4. Select the Bonus Type:
      Multiply Bonus will multiply the points earned on any select items purchased
      Add Bonus will add a fixed amount of points on any select items purchased

    5. Define your offer parameters and click Next

    6. Enter a unique campaign name for your internal reference

    7. Schedule your campaign start date and time

    8. (Optional) Schedule your campaign end date and time. If this is not defined, you campaign will be ongoing with no end date

    9. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign

      Tip: Hover over the tooltips for more information on each field box.

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    For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo For Businesses, Marketing Spendgo

    Managing an Item Group

    An Item Group is a list of line-items used to limit the eligible items for an offer redemption. When a member wants to redeem an offer, their order will be first validated for the correct item names and quantity of items, and then the correct discount is applied. When the member’s order does not have the specified line-items from the Item Group, an error occurs that prevents the offer from being redeemed.

    Note: this workflow varies slightly per integration type. Contact your Customer Success Manager for more details.

    Things to Know

    • When creating or updating an Item Group with special characters, be sure to save your file as a UTF-8 .csv to preserve its formatting.


    Create New Item Group

    Before you create your Item Group, know your campaign objective and review the Formatting Item Groups Guidelines.

    1. Navigate to Campaigns > Item Groups.

    2. Click the add add icon to create a new item group.

    3. Name your item group.

    4. Drag and drop or upload your CSV file containing your group of items.

      IMPORTANT: Your file must follow the Formatting Item Groups Guidelines.

    5. Click on Save to create your item group.


    View Item Group

    There are 2 ways to view the items in group — viewing direct within the dashboard, and downloading it as a CSV file. Downloading the item group is also helpful when you want to update a group.

    View in Dashboard

    1. Navigate to Campaigns > Item Groups.

    2. In the row of the Item Group, go to Manage > View.

    Download Item Group

    1. Navigate to Campaigns > Item Groups.

    2. In the row of the Item Group, go to Manage > View.

    3. Click the download file_download icon, and the CSV file will directly download to your device.


    Update Item Group


    Updating your Item Group will overwrite all its contents. This is recommended for any modifications — such as an add, remove, and/or edit item(s).

    1. Navigate to Campaigns > Item Groups.

    2. In the row of the Item Group, go to Manage > View.

    3. Click the update update icon.

    4. Upload your new CSV file containing the updated items and Save Changes.

      IMPORTANT: Your file must follow the Formatting Item Groups Guidelines.

    Delete Item(s) within a Group

    An Item Group must have at least 1 item. If you want to update all the items in a list, we recommend using the update method.

    1. Navigate to Campaigns > Item Groups.

    2. In the row of the Item Group, go to Manage > View.

    3. Select the checkbox next to the item(s) you want to delete.

    4. Click the delete delete_outline icon.

    5. Confirm your delete of selected items.

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