One-time Text Messages

A one-time text message is not marketing, you can only send the requested information by the customer once. These are commonly used for account notifications.

The below is a step-by-step guide on how to setup a one-time message via settings notifications:

Settings Notifications

  1. Navigate to Settings > Notifications

  2. Add a new notification

  3. Select the event that will trigger the notification and click Next. For more info, see Notification Events

  4. Enter a unique and easy to understand event name
    Note: the fields may vary based on event type, enter all required information

  5. Select whether to require customer opt-in.
    By requiring opt-in, a person must have consented to marketing messages and be double opted-in to receive the text message upon event.

  6. Select the to medium (email or text message) of the notification — in this use case, you will select Text message

    Note: Medium options will only be displayed in the dropdown if the integration is enabled.

  7. Enter your one-time text message content. For more info, see Text Message Compliance

  8. Review and Create your new notification
    Notifications may take up to 10 minutes to start sending.


Periodic Text Messages


Text Message Compliance