Notification Placeholders
Spendgo offers placeholders for dynamic information. Place the placeholder within your message to add personalized or dynamic content. The following list outline all the available placeholders to you.
Placeholders are currently supported in the Emma and Mailchimp email integrations.
Placeholder Name | Description | Example |
event_name | The name of the event | offer_earned |
campaign_id | The associated campaign id with the event | 12345 |
created_at | The UTC timestamp of the event | 2020-06-10T00:00:00Z |
event_source | The source of the event | |
event_store_code | The store code where the event took place | 99999 |
spendgo_id | The member's unique Spendgo id | 1234567890 |
first_name | The member's first name | Sophia |
last_name | The member's last name | Smith |
dob | The member's date of birth | 1998-11-12 |
gender | The member's gender | F |
postal_code | The member's postal_code | 90210 |
favorite_store_code | The member's favorite store code | 99999 |
The member's email | | |
phoe | The member's phone number | 5555555555 |
sms_optin | The member's text message subscription status | true |
email_optin | The member's email subscription status | true |
password_reset_link | The member's unique password reset link generated upon request to reset password | |
loyalty_status | The member's loyalty status | activated |
loyalty_units | The loyalty program units are either "points", "stamps" or "visits" | points |
balance | The members loyalty balance in points, stamps or visits | 40 |
next_reward_at | The unit threshold to the next reward | 50 |
next_reward_at | The number of units till the next reward | 10 |
reward_name | The name of the reward linked to event | $5 Off |
reward_code | The promo code associated with the reward linked to event | WELCOME |
reward_expiration | The reward linked to event expiration UTC timestamp | 2020-07-10T00:00:00Z |
reward_value | The value of the reward in points (when applicable) | 50 |
For more details on how to use placeholders within your templates, please review your provider’s guides as implementation will be different per platform.
For Emma
If your content includes:
Congrats, you’ve earned [%reward_name%]!
When a $5 Off reward is earned your recipient will see, “Congrats, you've earned $5 Off!”
For MailChimp
If your content includes:
Congrats, you've earned *|reward_name|*!
If your content includes:
Congrats, you’ve earned *|EVENT:reward_name|*!
When a $5 Off reward is earned your recipient will see, “Congrats, you've earned $5 Off!”