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Create a Multiple Use Offer

Multiple-use offers remain available to members over an extended period of time, often beyond a single purchase. These offers are designed to encourage repeat business. They provide an ongoing incentive for members to continue engaging with your brand and make multiple purchases over time. Unlike limited-time offers that have a specific end date, persistent offers continue to be accessible for members to use whenever they make a qualifying purchase or meet the criteria. Here are a few examples of multiple use offers:

  • 2x points all month when you make a purchase this week
    Offering ongoing discounts to keep customers engaged and coming back. It can also lead to increased spending and higher customer participation.

  • 2x points for spending $1k in a year, 3x points for spending $2K in a year
    Establishing a tiered discount structure where your members receive progressively higher offers or discounts as they make more purchases or reach higher spending thresholds.

Things To Know

  • The following campaign types support the multiple use offer configuration:

    • Date & Time

    • Birthday

    • Next Visit

    • Recurring

    • Registration

    • Visit Threshold

  • In your reports, a persistent offer can be earned once and used multiple times. This can result in higher offer usage counts than offer earns.

  • When creating a recurring multiple-use offer that is also issued multiple times, it's advisable to set your offer's expiration date to be equal to or shorter than the interval of your recurring campaign. This ensures that your members won't receive a new offer before the previous one has expired. For instance, if you have a recurring weekly campaign that provides an offer every Monday in the month of August, the offer should be configured to expire after 168 hours (equivalent to 7 days) from the time it's earned. This way, members who meet the criteria will not accumulate multiple identical offers in their accounts.

Create A Multiple Use Offer

  1. Navigate to Campaigns / Create.

  2. Select your campaign automation type and click Next Step.

  3. Select the Offer action (this step is automatically skipped for the Registration and Visit Threshold automations).

  4. Enter your offer details.

    1. When setting the Single Or Multiple Use, select Multiple use.

    2. Define the offer’s Multiple Use Limits:

      1. Specify the maximum number of times the offer can be used within a time window (e.g. 1 use per 24 hours)

      2. Specify the duration in hours for the given number of uses (up to 9999 hours)

  5. Click Next Step.

  6. Select or define your audienve and click Next Step (skip this step for Birthday, Next Visit, Registration, and Visit Threshold automations).

  7. Enter a unique Campaign Name for your internal reference.

  8. Enter the campaign Start Date.

  9. (Optional) Enter the campaign End Date.

  10. Review your campaign details and click on Schedule to create your new campaign.